Inspired by Dooce's Daily Style photos and Mindy Kaling's blog (Things I've Bought That I Love), I have decided to start posting pictures of things I've bought that I love. Hopefully, this is will help me get out of the blogging valley. And for those of you going, "Who's Mindy Kaling?" she is Kelly from The Office.
Here is my first offering.

I found this silver bird salt/pepper shaker at a Goodwill in town. Originally, I purchased it for my mom's guest bathroom, but then she didn't want it anymore, so I snatched it back. I think it's charming, and I love that I got it for less than a dollar. Right now, it sits on a tray on my nightstand with a photo and some lotion. What do you think? What's one of your best Goodwill purchases?