
Meet Harvey...

Originally uploaded by mrwalker.
So I assume that most of you don't know that I have acquired a guitar. Yes, the day we all have looked forward to or possibly feared is here. I shall learn to play and accompany myself whilst singing. Note that this is not actually MY guitar, though mine is black and tough. This is why I named him Harvey Wallbanger (the author wishes to thank Heather for the suggestion of Harvey).

However, as of now, I have no idea how to play or what strings are what. So, if anyone I know lives near me and wishes to help me learn, I will be most appreciative. Not appreciative in the sense of I can pay you (YET), but appreciative nonetheless. Seriously, I would really love it if someone could teach me how to play.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes! :)

Anonymous said...

So I'm not any help in the learning to play aspect, but I applaud the name choice!